Michelle C. R. Lastimoza, Administrator
Administrator Lastimoza served as the Deputy Administrator for the Guam Environmental Protection Agency from 2019 to 2023. In July 2023, Lastimoza was confirmed as the agency administrator by the Guam EPA board of direcotrs. She brings nearly 27 years of environmental and public health management experience. Prior to Lastimoza’s appointment as the agency deputy director in November 2019, she was an environmental health specialist III at Guam EPA and the acting division head for the Brownfields Program, the Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Program and the Defense, and State Memorandum of Agreement Program. Lastimoza graduated with a B.A. in Biology from the University of Guam and has held positions in environmental-health-related capacities at the Department of Public Health and Social Services. She also worked as an environmental engineer for DZSP 21, LLC.
Administrative Services Division
The Administrative Services Division (ASD) is critical in helping programs purchase supplies, hire staff and communicate with other government agencies. This Division answers directly to the Administrator and supports all aspects of the agency.
Information Management
Information flow is critical to the function of Guam EPA. To help information flow internally and with the public, Guam EPA has support staff that ensure the network is functioning and there is a public outreach and education aspect to everything the Agency does.