17-3304 Mariner Avenue Tiyan Barrigada, Guam 96913
671.588.4751 FAX: 671.588.4531

UPDATED: MAY 13, 2022: Choose To Reuse: Mungna Maayek I Plastek Act of 2018

UPDATED: MAY 13, 2022: Choose To Reuse: Mungna Maayek I Plastek Act of 2018

The Guam Environmental Protection Agency (Guam EPA) is charged with the responsibility of implementing and enforcing the “Choose To Reuse: Mungna Maayek I Plastek Act of 2018”, Chapter 54B of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated (G.C.A.).

Beginning on January 1, 2022, retail and wholesale establishments shall not offer for sale or distribute disposable carryout bags unless the bags are made of paper. This means that plastic bags may not be offered at the point of sale to carry out purchased items.

By July 1, 2025, only eating and drinking establishments with valid sanitary permits issued by the Department of Public Health and Social Services Division of Environmental Health may continue to offer paper bags at the point of sale. All other businesses may not.

There are some exceptions where a retailer or wholesaler may offer plastic bags to consumers, and are defined under 10 GCA §54B102(b)(1–11):

(1) a bag provided to the consumer for use in a retail or wholesale establishment to package bulk items, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, candy, meats, poultry, or fish;

(2) a bag provided to the consumer for use in a retail or wholesale establishment to package small hardware items;

(3) a bag to contain or wrap flowers, potted plants, or other items where dampness may be a problem;

(4) a bag to contain non-prepackaged food items or bakery goods;

(5) a bag provided by a pharmacy to carry prescription drugs;

(6)  a bag used for newspapers;

(7)  a bag used for laundry dry-cleaning;

(8)  bags sold in packages containing multiple

bags intended for garbage, pet waste, or yard waste;

(9) a bag used to package and secure fragile merchandise;

(10) a bag used to help insulate frozen items; or

(11) a reusable carryout bag as defined by this Chapter


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