17-3304 Mariner Avenue Tiyan Barrigada, Guam 96913
671.588.4751 FAX: 671.588.4531

Zero Waste Guam

What is Zero Waste Guam?

Zero Waste is a way of life that takes waste materials and turns them into resources. Waste is a modern problem created by using materials that do not biodegrade. Ancient cultures lived waste-free because everything they used came from nature and was cycled back into the natural system.

My Island. My Community. My Planet.

Zero Waste Guam is a program that will develop the island’s resiliency, protect its natural beauty, preserve resources for future generations, create jobs, and save community tax dollars by doing the following:

• Establishing resource conservation and recovery systems.

• Developing environmental education and awareness programs.

• Building a sustainable local economy to include green jobs.

A Zero-Waste Lifestyle

Zero Waste Guam will significantly reduce discharges to land, water, and air that are a threat to the earth, island life, and future generations. Through Zero Waste, the people of Guam will live more in harmony with the idea that, as stated on the Guam EPA website, “All Living Things of the Earth are One.Manunu Todu I Manlala`la`.

Zero Waste Resources

 Guam Zero Waste Master Plan, January 2023

Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan, February 2023

Waste Characterization Report, October 2019

Guam Zero Waste Master Plan Volume 1, June 2013

Guam Zero Waste Master Plan Volume 2, June 2013

Interested in Sustainable Food Management?

Visit EPA and learn about their Wasted Food Scale which prioritizes actions that prevent and divert wasted food from disposal. CLICK HERE

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