What is the Green Parcel Program
The Green Parcel Program is funded through the federal Brownfields Program. This Program was created by U.S. EPA to help communities deal with environmental contamination that may be presenting an obstacle to redevelopment. The Program focuses on sites where either real or perceived contamination by hazardous substances or petroleum products from past site uses serves to limit reinvestment or development interest.
Guam EPA began working with Green Parcels in 2006 through federal grant funding from U.S. EPA, Region IX. During the past six years, the Agency has worked with the Guam Economic Development and Commerce Authority, the Port Authority of Guam, the Guam International Airport Authority and the Department of Parks and Recreation. It is the Program’s goal to identify and evaluate the risks posed by these properties, and find solutions so that reuse and redevelopment is possible.
Learn more by viewing our eight-page insert about the Green Parcel Program here.
How you can get involved
If you know of properties that could be revitalized through this Program please contact Deputy Administrator Michelle Lastimoza at 671.3030.4751 or email Michelle.Lastimoza@epa.guam.gov.