Guam EPA Board of Directors Regularly Scheduled Meeting: March 16, 2023 at 4PM
Guam EPA Administration Conference Room, 17-3304 Mariner Ave., Tiyan Barrigada
Google Meet: • Live streamed on
AGENDA: I. Call to Order; II. Approval of Agenda; III. Approval of 02/23/2023
Meeting Minutes; IV. Administrator’s Report: Outstanding Notices of Violation,
Septic system lot sizes and potential changes to laws and regulations, RRF
Funding for FY24, Allocation of funds to DPW for clean up under the RRF, GSWA
Request for Reimbursement from the RRF, Briefing on the Integrated Solid Waste
Management Program and Zero Waste Program; V. New Notices of Violation;
VI. Next meeting date and adjournment
Individuals requiring special accommodations, auxiliary aids or services
may call Guam EPA at 671.300.4751/9 or email: