Agent Orange Survivors of Guam founder assists with follow up sampling
October 4, 2019 – (Tiyan, Guam) – On Wednesday, the Guam Environmental Protection Agency (Guam EPA) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) Superfund Technical Assessment & Response Team (START) performed follow up soil sampling at off-base locations with the assistance of Agent Orange Survivors of Guam founder Brian Moyer. The follow up soil sampling was completed on Thursday.
Off-base soil sampling for Agent Orange first occurred in November 2018, at areas off of NCS road along Route 3, Potts Junction, Nimitz Hill and a pipe line tie-in located in Tiyan. Guam EPA, US EPA and Moyer agreed to schedule Moyer’s visit to Guam to assist with future soil samplings.
In an October 2018 teleconference with Guam EPA and US EPA, Mr. Moyer stated to the agency, “I’m at your service, at your beck and call.” Moyer arrived on Guam on September 30, 2019, and offered assistance with site identification for the joint agency investigation into veteran claims of the alleged use of Agent Orange on Guam. Moyer’s travel and lodging was privately funded by the Military Veterans Advocacy, Agent Orange Survivors of Guam and the Blue Water Navy Association.
“We are pleased with the furthered support and continued commitment with this investigation from our counterparts at US EPA Region IX,” said Guam EPA acting administrator Jesse T. Cruz. “We are especially appreciative of the assistance lent by Mr. Moyer’s presence on island towards our investigation,” Cruz further stated.
Wednesday’s follow up soil sampling occurred at Polaris Point off of Route 1, Nimitz Hill, Yigo and Tiyan. Unlike the November 2018 analysis, the follow up samples will be tested for dioxins. Preliminary analysis is expected to be completed in 12 weeks.
Preliminary results from the November 2018 soil sampling indicated the presence of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T, the primary constituents of Agent Orange, at non-toxic levels in one sample location. A draft report of the November 2018 soil sampling is still under review with Guam EPA and will be released upon completion.