17-3304 Mariner Avenue Tiyan Barrigada, Guam 96913
671.588.4751 FAX: 671.588.4531

Guam EPA Board of Directors Regularly Scheduled Virtual Meeting – November 17, 2022

Guam EPA Board of Directors Regularly Scheduled Virtual Meeting – November 17, 2022

Guam EPA Regularly Scheduled Board of Directors Meeting – Thursday, November 17, 2022 • 4PM

Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/qrq-dijy-vwc
Meeting will be live streamed on youtube.com/guamepa

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of October 20, 2022 Meeting Minutes
  4. Administrator’s Report 
  • Outstanding Notices of Violation Update
  1. New Notices of Violation
  2. Next Meeting Date and Adjournment

Individuals requiring special accommodations, auxiliary aids or services may call Guam EPA at 671.300.4751/9  or email: jeanann.artero@epa.guam.gov

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